The Sex, God and Chaos Podcast

A conversation built to help you address the mess, connect the dots, and defeat addiction. Doing your work matters because if nothing changes then nothing changes. Life is tough, and this podcast is here to help.

Episode 1: The Why?

In this first episode, Roane and Ben dive into the story behind the book and ask a big question, "Can we have a healthy relationship with sex, God, & the chaos we will inevitably face?" They also share some practical steps for how to trade unhealthy, isolated chaos for healthy, connected freedom.

Episode 2: What about Sex?

In our second episode, we tackle the big questions about sex. What got us here? How does our sexual past impact our intimacy present? What are the big lies we believe about sex? How do we establish a healthy relationship with sex in our world today? This week, we get courageous and practical.

Episode 3: It’s Complicated

We have a systemic problem in the Church, a cancer that permeates its culture. This cancer is sexual brokenness. From its clerical epicenter, it has ripple effects far beyond its four walls. In this episode, we discuss the historically complicated relationship between religion and sex.

Episode 4: When All Hell Breaks Loose

What do we do when our lives descend into a chaos we never thought possible? An expert in the journey from brokenness to health, Jim Cress walks us through what makes restoration truly possible. Grab a hard hat, everyone. This one is going to be helpful.

Episode 6: Understanding Betrayal Trauma

In this episode, Eva Hunter discusses the many areas of her life that were affected by Betrayal Trauma.

Episode 5: How to Drop the Mask and Ask for Help

With his incredible story of discovery, healing, and restoration, Nate Larkin gives us a clear road map on how to address the mess. It all starts with dropping the mask. On this episode, we dig in to how sexual brokenness begins, what it looks like when it's driving, and how to defeat it to live in sobriety.

Other Podcast Features

From Marriage to Addiction to Divorce... Now They Help Others' Marriages

As rising seniors in college, Roane and Eva Hunter decided to get married, thinking it would fix all of their problems. A few years down the road, they realized that that wasn't the case. After going through many struggles, and even a divorce, the couple healed their once-broken relationship. And today, they help others do the same.

Sex, God, & the Chaos of Betrayal Featured Interview on WLBT-NBC